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Homemade Miracles

Inspired Information
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Holy moly Mother of Goddess, what can an Earth girl say? I have been around the cosmic block a few times, and I have never experienced a shift like this past 8/8/8. The very foundation of light was shifted, never to go back to what it once was.

Radiate Your Light to Each Other

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. That phrase, our opening phrase, will lose some of its meaning as the illusion of distance closes between those of us in the spirit realm and those of you here on planet Earth.

All About Shimmering

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings. I am Juliano, and we are the Arcturians. In this lesson, we will be looking more closely at the spiritual practice known as shimmering.

The Time of the Illumination Is at Hand

The Soul of Humanity
Judith K. Moore

Please use this message as a meditation. It will open you to the flow of divine wisdom from the source of universal oneness. Please send this message into the collective through the water element so that it flows into critical mass like a river of love.

Develop Your Relationship with Nature

Laura Pieratt

We will call ourselves Planta, for we are nature speaking. We will begin by saying that we are large in spirit. Many of you think size is a matter of source, power, and function, but we are here to remind you that size has little to do with the energy of Source that is contained in a vessel.

We Offer a Stream of Love and Light from Our Heart to Yours

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, returning to the narrow path of ascension in consciousness is the beginning of transcending opposites in which there is no good or bad, right or wrong, only harmonious personal choices within the accepted spectrum of duality.

Getting to Know the Real You

Miriandra Rota

Greetings! I am Teacher, and I come forth to speak with you briefly, as if in a little chat that we could comfortably have on a nice morning.

Speak Your Tone

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings, dear ones. It is such a joy to share this moment with you all, for you are in the midst of an evolutionary movement. You are moving at the speed of love, and the interesting part about it is that you are starting to become awakened right where you are.

You Have the Power

John of God Energies
Heather Kristian Strang

In your world, you often struggle and strain to find your peace, to find equilibrium. There is usually a predictable process that your world collectively goes through when faced with an area that must be evolved.

Do Not Allow Others to Dominate Your Spirit

James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters. I am Metatron, archangel of light. Tyberonn of Crystalline Service joins me in this session, and we welcome each of you in an energy and vector of unconditional love.


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