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Incorporate Your Ego

Saint Germain and Lady Portia
Ingrid Auer

Greetings, I am Saint Germain. I am often associated with the topic of freedom in relationships. As you can imagine, we ascended masters are not connected to single topics; we can support you in different areas of life. Therefore, some of our special areas overlap.

Five Energetic Categories of Humanity

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. Life on Earth can be filled with challenges. It can also be full with purpose. Yet many today ask, “What is my purpose? Who am I at my core?” It is often difficult in this day of relentless media imagery and skewed information to know yourself well or at all.

Victory Comes through the Power of Love

Lady Portia and Count St. Germain
Star Hinman

Exponential change is occurring for those of you on Earth, though many of you are unaware of the progress that is being made! You are shifting; you are changing at the deepest levels within you, as you realign to the North Star of your being.

All Life Is Unconditionally Loved and Blessed

Cristi Jenkins

My beloved colleagues of light and love, I am Gaia, and I embody a collective energy that includes every soul who has ever taken human and other physical form on Earth. Every breath you take resonates with this connection, dear ones.

Creation with Symbols

Omnidimensional Beings
Kathy Wilson

Within all symbols is held the energy of sacred geometry. It matters not whether the symbol is written and two dimensional or created in three dimensions. The true reality is that within all symbols, there is energy more than you can sense in your third-dimensional physicality.

Living with the Rules versus by the Rules

Helenita Ziegler

Spring is here. Its arrival is out of your control. Other channels have tried to explain how to deal with control: let go of it, turn it over to some higher power, cut the cord, whatever. You try. Again and again you make the process like work, as you have been shown you’re supposed to do.

Longing for the Temple Life

Sanat Kumara
Carolyn Holtgrewe

My beloved children, this is Sanat Kumara, and I wish to speak to you about the yearning that we see you holding deep within your hearts, that longing to return to the temples of the past and once again experience the level of support you enjoyed while performing your service to your fellow human

The Coming Changes

Hugh Campbell

Now is a time for change and a time to remember. Everything is moving forward as it should. Change is all there has ever been, and humans tend to create drama over it instead of embracing the cycles that have been in motion forever.

Shaman Spirit Allowed to Stay on Earth to Help Her People

Shaman Spirit
Robert Shapiro

I would like to talk to the tenth planet or to a shaman for the Lost Wisdom [Explorer Race book 23 in progress] book.



I will try to provide you with both.

“Peace to All Beings” Is a Prayer for Peace and Justice

Aleph and the Guardians of Truth
Arthur Fanning

You are going to understand purposes here. You have this understanding of life, what life is. But you don’t know where it comes from or how it’s, I am going to say, evolved.


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