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Master Kuthumi
Therese Dorer

I see a vast open desert with rippling sand dunes and the Sun high in the sky. The air is hot and dry. A white camel comes toward me, and there is a man on the camel dressed in white.

Love Is the Key to Your Evolution

Mary Magdalene
Virginia Ellen

Love the divine, the male and female energies. These two energies and their polarities work to create union of self as well as the union of creation. The male and female energies within you are reflections within the union of love.

Activate Your Five Spiritual Chakras

Isaiah and the Ascension Team
Kathryn Rawlings

Terry Spears and the Ascension Team: Many of us with heightened, long-term interests in spiritual development have sought the wisdom of what it means to develop into a twelve-chakra human but with little satisfaction for our

The Year of Strengthening Your Inner Calm

The Arcturians
Abby Isadora Haydon

We are the Arcturians. We have come again to assist you in creating a new focus for the way you live your life in the coming year.

Nourish Yourself during Harsh Winter Weather

Mother of Light and Mahatma Gandhi
Blue Turtle

Beloved children of light, I dwell with you as you walk the path of enlightenment and sound awareness. It is a time to travel within and discover truly what you are made of and what you want to be.

Feeling the Weight of Space

Shiva and Gabriel
Arthur Fanning

13 October 2015

The Alchemist Within


In looking back at the history of humans on every continent, it is a story of bloodshed, genocides, and incredible cruelty of one group against another. It is like looking into the heart of darkness.

Live Your Love, and Others Will Feel it

The White Brotherhood of Light
Alicja Bialasiewicz

As we stand among you, we offer love, support, and wisdom. We bring healing light and hope for your future. We bring joy and energy of peace. We bring love and abundance of love. We shield and protect you from hate and fear.

Achieving Neutrality on the Planet of Emotion

Grace Elohim of Allied Command
Alison David Bird

The year 2016 poses a new challenge for the next wave of lightworkers as you all progress along the ascension path at differing paces and in various gradients.

Move into Your Lightness of Being

Mother of Light and Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde
Blue Turtle

Beloved children of the light, I come to you with great hope for your acceleration in the mysteries, in the esoteric knowledge. It is available to you now as you move into your incredible spiritual and creative gifts.


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