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The One and the Many

Higher Self
Carolyn Gervais

Those of you who have been searching for a very long time as to who and what you are as life essences want to know why you serve on a planet filled with so much divisiveness, separation, fear, and hate when all you really want is to express love and peace in ways that are soothingly harmonious in

You Are Returning to the Original Seed Thought

The Little One
Arthur Fanning

We’re going to use the phrase “the little one.” That is who is here now speaking. That will be explained later because there is permission needed to even be around your own spiritual space or anyone else’s that you are involved with.

Activate Your Sacred Heart to Bring Heaven to Earth

Virginia Ellen

As I walked on Earth, my mission was to bring the truth to the people. I spent most of my life traveling and seeking the truth of God. I studied for many years in all the great mystery schools that existed at that time.

You Can Do Great Things

Cathy Chapman

Greetings and blessings to you, dear ones. I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother. I continually enfold you in love, and all you need to do is accept it. Open your heart and your mind to the love that is always surrounding you.

The Codes of Ascension and Unity Consciousness

DNA Master Rheumeain
Rae Chandran

Blessings, my dear fellow beings. This is DNA Master Rheumeain from Pleiades. In this short message, we bring forth some new ideas about DNA and how to use sound to activate it not only in your physical body but also in your energetic body, which extends all the way to the twelfth dimension.

Our Limitations Are Our Presumptions

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again, there must be an adjustment time for those in front of me [in the audience]. The adjustment is in your reality and discernment and for your existence paradigm.

Alignment and Abundance

Hugh Campbell

There are energetic alignments that occur many times within a lifetime. The alignments are opportunities to open up to major changes in your lives. Often you are only aware of opportunities when you see how aspects of you keep you from flowing in harmony with your alignment opportunities.

The Divine Is within You

Ingrid Auer

Be greeted, I am Sananda. I am also known as Jesus, Christ, Eesa, and Jeshua. Over centuries, you have been conditioned and partly forced to be subject to others. No matter what abilities you brought into this life, you were hardly ever allowed to develop and live your potential.

Beyond the Human Paradigm


What is so disturbing about observing the old and infirm? It’s almost as though they remind us of our mortality.

Create Custom Symbols for Personal Use

Omnidimensional Beings
Kathy Wilson

Within all symbols is held the energy of sacred geometry. It matters not whether the symbol is written two dimensionally or three dimensionally. The true reality is that within all symbols, there is more energy than you can sense in your third-dimensional physicality.


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