Greetings, dear ones, I am the Keeper of Time. I have come to you this day in order to intersect your timeline and to help you understand part of the larger aspects of the waves that are taking place on your planet right now.
As you grow older, you find that you fill with greater wisdom and understanding from living. Living forces you to confront the deepest parts of yourself to heal and transform for your highest good.
Greetings and blessings, beloved students, as we join consciousness once again for another plane-to-plane teaching. As you rapidly transit this potent year, may you integrate well the many lessons arising for humanity’s collective advancement into the Aquarian Age.
Every person on Earth has the ability to receive and accept healing vibrations from other human beings, inner-plane beings, or the universe of the Creator. To receive healing is a divine right for all souls on Earth and the inner planes.
People come to this Earth realm to have experiences in which they are in total control over how love flows to and from them. They choose the controls that are experience-based emotions. The emotions they choose become triggers that, if not addressed consciously, become their default reactions.
Oh, masters, growing up is always such a bittersweet experience. You want to be free to discover, learn, and create, but you are afraid to turn away from all you have constructed within the illusion of your old reality, even though you know you have outgrown it.
We are the presence of Earth sentience. We invoke cocreators for new beginnings that can now be initiated through the light of love. Feel into your roles, dear ones.