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The Shift in Time

Egyptian Cat Archetypes
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

A Grand Finale of Huge Change

Donna Taylor

During the past few years, we have witnessed the effects of the mirroring energies of Pluto and Uranus on Earth. These two planets represent change at the deepest level, and if we look back to 2012, we can all probably see that our lives have changed to some degree.

The Worst Is Behind Us

Michelle Karén

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

Global and Personal Numerology for June 2015

Lynn Buess

The following are global and national events that may have an impact on your life this month or soon.

Celebrate the End of Volatile Unrest

Donna Taylor

Read this article in full in the April issue of the Sedona Journal!

Portals Open, Ushering Creativity

Egyptian Cat Archetypes
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

Read this article in full in the April issue of the Sedona Journal!

Gain Clarity by Slowing Down

Donna Taylor

May begins with a full moon on the fourth. This brings the opportunity to strip away veils of confusion and uncertainty and helps facilitate awareness.


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