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Clarify Your Desires for the Future

Rhonda Smith

October 2011 (23/5) marks the beginning of the last quarter of 2011 where you begin, from this new point of clarity about you, to visualize and crystallize what you wish to manifest in the transition year of 2012.

The Time is Ripe for New Beginnings

Donna Taylor

This month begins with a cluster of planetary bodies in Libra— the Sun, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury all turn their attention toward matters of balance, justice, harmony, and relating.

Organizing and Preparing for 2012

Rhonda Smith

November 2011 (24/6) gives you the vibration to further develop your inner sense of order. This will bring you messages and inspiration, especially in your dreams. Follow your deep inner knowing and use the energy of your deep emotions to power and manifest your visions for the future.

Predictions for 2012

Michelle Karén

This is a 5 year (2+0+1+2=5)—a year of change and movement. Much information becomes available. From October 29, 2011 to December 21, 2012, the last cycle in the Mayan calendar offers us a final chance to transmute what remains of the old consciousness into the new.

A Changing of the Worlds: An Astrological Overview of 2012

mar de luz

“Open their hearts, Grandfather, so that they may know there is no death, only a changing of the worlds.”

—Robert Ghost Wolf

“It’s funny how civilizations change, yet we all keep coming up with the same story.”

—Robert Ghost Wolf

Definitely Not the End: A New Beginning

Stephanie Clement

Note: The information about stars in the Big Dipper and the associated rishis found in this article can be found in texts on the Internet from a variety of sources.

Embrace Your Shadow to Reveal Your Light

Michelle Karén

Solar eclipse on Thursday, November 24 at 10:10pm at 2°37' Sagittarius. The Sabian symbols describe this degree as "two men playing chess." A good chess player is motivated, fast, intelligent, focused, and patient; she also has foresight and a photographic memory.

A Month of Creative Festivity and Preparations for Change

Donna Taylor

December begins with a powerful connection between Venus and Pluto and a feisty aspect between Mars, Mercury, and the Sun. So during the first few days of the month, passions are likely to run high in one form or another.

Becoming Ourselves, Listening to Our Truths, and Following Our Hearts

Michelle Karén

Lunar eclipse on Saturday, December 10 at 6:39am at 18°11’ Gemini. The Sabian symbols illustrate this degree with the image “a large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom.” This eclipse is about remembering our truth, the wisdom buried deep inside our soul, and all that we know fro

A Time to Tend Diligently to Your Existing World

Donna Taylor

November has a very light-hearted, imaginative quality about it, full of artistic and romantic promise.


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