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Animal Whisperer: Love from over the Rainbow Bridge

Your Ever-Loving Pets
Kim Malonie

Hi Kim,

I feel so alone. I’m an elderly woman, and I’ve had major losses in such a short time. I feel the need to reach out to you for consolation and, I suppose, hope.

Mentor Link: Flex Your Spiritual Muscles

Pepper Lewis

At a recent yoga class, the instructor dismissed us with a friendly reminder to flex our “spiritual muscles.” I thought she was joking, but she even had a name for it, which I can’t remember now. Is it true? Do we really have spiritual muscles?

Ask the Angels: Your Departed Loved Ones Are Still With You

Cheryl Gaer Barlow

The following is a communication with my deceased husband. I still communicate with my glorious angels. Jack is now in, what the angels call, the opening. It’s the opening of the heavens with the angels, and they are letting him describe his experiences.

Benevolent Outcomes: On the Search

Tom T. Moore

The Gentle Way dates all the way back to the days of Atlantis, I’ve been told. You will find details about this in my latest book Atlantis & Lemuria: The Lost Continents Revealed! In my new TV series, The Telepathic World of Tom T.

Essences of Nature: Reignite Your Childlike Enthusiasm

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

I was watching 60 Minutes last night and was captivated by the zest for life that J. J. Abrams exuded. He is the director and writer for the new Star Wars movie that many camped out for weeks in advance to see.

Mentor Link: The Role You Play in Your Story

Pepper Lewis


EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Accept Your Victory

Maria Yracébûrû

Well, no matter how it looks, life rises to the occasion. Our quest is over, we are safe, and we will step forward. It is good to be alive. Now, let us go forward and redeem our reward.

April Prayers

Medical Intuitive: Healing Begins Within

Stacey Mayo

The information herein is for educational purposes only. The content of this article should not be used to give medical advice or to prescribe any form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician.

Akashic Answers

Amanda Romania

I recently retired from the military and began following New Age teachings. I was drawn to your work through my wife’s copy of the Sedona Journal of Emergence!

Shamanic Wisdom: Cut the Cords of Negative Energy

Jan Engels-Smith

Human beings are energy systems having a physical experience. Our energy systems are complex and reach far from the body, surrounding it in fields of energy.


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