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Ask the Angels: Ask God to Help All

Ask the Angels: Ask God to Help All the Angels through Cheryl Gaer Barlow

From the angels: The souls of the world will now want the most wonderful growth. This can occur when the souls open their hearts to God. The soul is to love even when it’s difficult. The soul is to be kind when it’s not expected or warranted. The soul is to reach with thoughts and feelings to God. We ask all souls living on Earth to humble and ask God to help not only themselves but also ask God to help all humankind.

How many angels are with us? How many spirit guides are with us? Why do they talk to some people and not others?

— Darin, San Francisco, CA

From the angels: Spirit guides can affect the life in a limited way. One who wants to communicate with spiritual entities should ask for the highest and most holy of all to communicate with the soul. The more in tune one is with his or her soul, the better the connection with the holy entities of God.

Each soul has at least one guardian angel with him at every moment. Some souls have many angels surrounding them. Try to communicate with your angels. Pray to God and to Jesus, but talk with your sacred angels. If you are afraid, ask your angels to protect you. If you are ashamed of words or actions, ask your angels to lift you up. Angels are with you to help in ways you are not even aware.
