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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: The Fifth World Is Coming Together

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: The Fifth World Is Coming Together Maria Yracébûrû

diiyin’s note: In between time and space are the young ones of our communities. They appear confused. They are exuberant, and I can easily understand the sentiments of their energies and even admire them. Still, their experiences of growing up in dysfunctional lives make them reticent to own their authority.

I am not without mixed feelings. A few years ago, I was the exuberant one. I can identify with the next generation. Perhaps this is the very reason Lynda and I are determined to continue our work, connecting vision keepers to Mother Earth.

The council fire has been lit, and people are coming together to share good, life-affirming thoughts. The happy anticipation of spring is generated by our exuberant young.

February Prayer Wheel

Star People, shima’nene (Aunty Goose): We are people of vision and understanding. We care. We realize the first step is completed. We face one another to love, honor, and respect. We live it.

nohwizá’yé náda’ch’ilsiihí nakia: Offerings to the ancestors (Rainbow Serpent)! We remember and reconnect with our intrinsic wholeness. We show compassion to ourselves. We live peace filled on the edge of reality.
