Whoosh, you are in the new year. Time speeds up even more in 2025, and there is no going back to old time or old energy. You must know who you are. More importantly, you must have the courage to live and be who you are. Who you are is sacred, and no one can tell you not to be your true self.
Welcome, sojourners. This is Mark. 2025 is very much the beginning of the Aquarian Age. There is now an opportunity for healing, knowledge, and technological and social breakthroughs that could not get traction before.
Pat with the Cosmic Council: It is not an easy year to predict what lies ahead for Earth’s current timeline. One reason is that there is currently an array of possible timeline choices available to humans.
We are witnessing the thrashings of a dying consciousness, the end of individual and collective egos. This is nothing to fear; we are merely being reminded that circumstances don’t matter as much as the vibrational frequencies of our spiritual nature.
Blessed ones, this is an exciting time to be with you and give you this message of predictions for 2025. The predictions will be in two parts this year. The first part will be actual predictions of future possibilities. Remember, these are possibilities, potentials.
Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Are other dimensions real? What a question! You might ask a scientist this, and within their studies and theories, they could discuss many things. What do you think?
The Pleiadians: The year 2024 has seen you embrace the syntropic nature of the universe and come to terms with its opposing force — entropy — since one cannot exist without the other. Thus 2024, an 8 year in numerology, symbolizes the coming together of life in its everevolving, infinite flow.
Shockara Starbeings: Beloved Earth beings, the world and the entire universe will open up in very powerful and significant ways. We are focused on all of you as you make profound, positive changes and bring them into multidimensional reality.
2025 marks the start of another twelve-year cycle. How and what you experience in the months ahead will be dependent on your vibration, choices, and decisions. How will you choose to experience this reality?
Your heart is in the right place, dear one, but the mind is taxed. How can you fill a receptacle that is already committed and spoken for? We say, empty the mind. Only a blank slate can be written on. The ego does not like this idea one bit.