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The Constant of the Universe

The Collective Soul Consciousness
Carolyn Gervais

Being human usually means having very mixed ideas and feelings about life, people, places, and things. If you are raised with rigid and dogmatic religious beliefs, you might grow into an adult who looks down on people raised with other religious beliefs.

Release Yourself from Illusion

Saint Germain

Greetings, beloved being of light. I am Saint Germain. I share with you and surround you in a sense of peace. I invite you to inhale deeply, and hold that breath for as long as it feels comfortable; then exhale with meaning and purpose.

Be a Living Example of Light and Love

Adironnda and the Council of Light

Marilyn: As I sit in my meditation room, I hear the song, “June is Bustin’ Out All Over” from the movie Carousel by Rodgers and Hammerstein. I know that dates me a bit, yet I always think of that song whenever I think of June.

Participate in Gladness

The Cosmic Light Collective
Ilona Anne Hress

Good evening, beloved. It is always a pleasure to be in your company and to collaborate with you on our shared evolutionary journey. This lesson highlights some of the most successful interventions occurring around the world.

Effects of the April Eclipse

All There Is
and Ever Shall Be
Elliott Eli Jackson

In this article, we will provide information to assist you in understanding the importance of the solar eclipse that crossed North America on April 8, 2024.

Inspiration and the New You

Ascended Master Kuthumi
Chanel Lingenfelder

Greetings, dear one. Inspiration is a wonderful gift that you need to get you going. We shared in a previous transmission [see pp.

Impermanence Is Eternal

Supreme Creator Goddess

As we dance into the ethers, we sing a song of love. Unconditional love is the only permanent thing; all else is illusion. As we learn to embrace the impermanence of all around us, we find our peace. Nothing has a place or lasts forever except our dance with love.

Expect Shifting Doorways

Inspired Information
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Those of us who deeply sense things are not conspiracy theorists; we are intuitionists. Our bodies feel every word said on Earth, energetically and psychically, intentionally and unintentionally. We feel what is to come. We hear the words that come from our body’s cells.

Gather and Store Personal Power

Juliano and Chief White Eagle
David K. Miller

Juliano: Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Forty is a universal number of power used on the thirddimensional Earth plane. Earth prophets have expressed the secret powers of 40. They have used 40 for transformation, including ascension.

Open to Love to Align with Your Greatest Potential

Archangel Metatron
Takeli MMagdalen

Greetings, beloved ones, I am Metatron. I hold you all in the love of our Creator Source: a Divine Source that is beyond all understanding at your dimensional levels, for it is infinite, it is eternal, and it is limitless.


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