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Future Probabilities

and the Creator
Tom T. Moore

Tom: I received predictions during my meditations from Theo (my guardian angel), Gaia, (the soul of Earth), and the Creator of our universe. Over 90 percent of the questions I asked came from the readers of my free weekly newsletter who live all over the world.

The Awakening of the Soul of Humanity

Mother Mary and the Great Wisdom
Judith K. Moore

The power of compassion heals the soul. Throughout the ages, people have been oppressed, and there has been a lack of compassion as a collective experience for those who have suffered. Now there is a mass awakening of compassion for the children suffering from war and violence.

Step Forward into Your Full Light

Archangel Metatron
Takeli MMagdalen

Greetings, beloved ones, I am Metatron. I hold you always in the divine love of our Creator Source, for always you are an indivisible part of the whole.

Your Body Is the Lightning Rod

Inspired Information
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As we move our awareness up a few notches, we come to many pathways with new understandings that display their truths like breadcrumbs on a path. The very consciousness of weather has shifted, as have we, and it is time for new templates of hidden truths to be observed.

Journey into the Realms of the Higher Self, Part 1

Ascended Master Kuthumi
Chanel Lingenfelder

Beloved master, connect with this frequency, and extend this love way beyond your energy field and into the seat of creation. Connect with the beautiful violet and emerald frequencies. Encapsulate this within the beautiful ruby ray and anchor deep into the core and heart essence of Gaia.

Ascend Together: The Collective Rebirth

Ascended Master Hilarion

Greetings, beloved souls. It is a pleasure to speak with you during this timeline of great importance on your planet. I am known to you as Ascended Master Hilarion, and I am accompanied today by other great masters who assist humanity at this time.

Water Is Relational

The Arcturians
Jett Koda

As water bodies, we inhabit the memorial imprints of water — its memory, story, collective witnessing, sharing, and communication. Water, like love, is unconditional, meaning that it is without conditions. Yet, water takes the shape of whatever container it inhabits.

Collective Caretaking in 2025

Inspired Information
Ilona Anne Hress

2025 will be overflowing with opportunities to explore the power of your lightbodies to facilitate behavioral change.

The Battle Is in Full Swing

Adironnda and the Council of Light
Marilyn Harper

Marilyn: I sit here, safely tucked away in my meditation room, wondering what the state of the world will be one year from now. I shudder to think about the future.

The Year of Sound

The Angel of Scared Sound
Jonathan Goldman

We continue to be aware of and interface with, when appropriate, those of you who have begun using the power of sound to heal and transform yourselves.


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