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Every Choice Matters

The Collective Soul Consciousness
Carolyn Gervais

On Earth, there are guideposts for humanity to live a life of benevolence. People often refer to this as “doing the right thing.” If humans follow their intuitive guidance, they usually arrive at a “moral point” naturally.

Determine Your Truth

The Celestial White Beings
Natalie Glasson

Greetings. We come forth with a vibration of celestial bliss. Our purpose is to awaken the energy of bliss from within your being and to bring Creator bliss into your reality so that you might experience the love, fulfillment, freedom, and divine flow of the Creator

The Ripple Effect

Adironnda and the Council of Light
Marilyn Harper

Adironnda and the Council of Light: It is good day to you. It is so lovely seeing your radiant energy as you read this transmission. Time moves in new directions, as you know. If you believe that time does not exist, things might go easier for you.

Be Accountable to Love

The Cosmic Light Collective and Angelic Forces
Ilona Anne Hress

he Cosmic Light Collective: Greetings, beloved. It is a pleasure to attend to you. This lesson culminates the many shifts and changes quickly taking hold in the planetary experience. We will introduce some new experiences that deepen your expressive qualities of love.

The Water Body, Part 3

The Arcturians
Jett Koda

When this channel named Jett first encountered us Arcturians, and specifically Molo, who is portrayed in a spherical, circular movement from the top of the chest in front of the body and across its central plane, she received many messages from us about the water body.

Out of the Old, into the New, Part 2

Ascended Master Kuthumi
Chanel Lingenfelder

Master Kuthumi: Beloved one, don’t let the physical hold you back. We understand that with age come changes and challenges, including self-inflicted, humaninflicted, or nature-inflicted.

Stellar Events Open Doorways of Truth

Inspired Information
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Lately, we’ve been traveling through personal wormholes as if we’re being chased by flying monkeys ready to dive into any “constellation” prize just to find peace. Everything shifts and changes. It’s like we’re in a funhouse on steroids.

Galactic Spirituality, Your Home Planet, and Your Soul Group

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. We begin our exploration today with a deeper look at galactic spirituality, which is one of the three sides of the Arcturian sacred triangle. Each side carries important information, ideas, and energy for human ascension and soul evolution.

You Walk in Two Worlds Now

Archangel Metatron
Takeli MMagdalen

Greetings, beloved ones, I am Metatron. I hold you all in our Creator’s immense loving light, a force that is permeating your Earth plane more and more by the day now, as it has been for some months already in ever-greater intensity

Manifestation of the Ninth Creation

Enak Kee Na and Christ of Creation
Judith K. Moore

Enak Kee Na: The blueprint for the ninth creation is complete.


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