Beloved angelic presence of the embodied crystalline light, you read these words as your I Am divine mastery presence anchors the reillumination of your unification molecule. This simply means that you are ready to assist humanity at her greatest moment of expanding consciousness.
Enak Kee Na: I communicate with you from the divine plane of reality without distortion, a space of pure harmonic oneness and manifestation of the Source energies of oneness in creation. I have entered a state of consciousness with the omni power of creation.
Greetings, beloved ones, I am Metatron. I hold you always in the love of our Creator Force. All that you are is a gift. This is something that you are beginning to unfold now, as more and more of your true authentic self — your higher self — is making itself known in your personal daily lives.
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. In this article, we look at how your current planetary evolution relates to the quantum intervention process in planetary healing.
I am Kuthumi, and we continue with this discourse. The new Divine Masculine reinforces balance within the original masculine-feminine codes, as the Divine Feminine did for many years.
As water moves across Earth, gathering and storing information, it simultaneously transmits and receives information in its process of shifting from liquid to solid and liquid to gas.
Ilona: This is an extremely important and intense lesson about transcending duality. It addresses the crisis of polar opposites in the United States and around the world. Through our soul embodiment, we can be in the presence of peace.
Donna: Primal Body Deva and Wise Soul are a progenitor body of the elementals and a soul partnership. They relay their ancient heritage and provide a cautionary tale featuring humanity’s foes. The obvious opponent is an unruly ego.
This is Rafael. The more that you come into the space of the unknown — the different dimensions and other things that you haven’t explored yet — and allow the knowing to come from you, the less you’re going to feel that you need a guide, a rule book, and someone to tell you what’s going on.
Therese: I love to walk by the river that flows near my home. I am always amazed by its constant ebb and flow. As the seasons change, the river feels like a wonderful teacher, reminding me to trust transformation and go with the flow of life.