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Your Consciousness Paints Your Reality

Master Hilarion
Lisa Holloway

Beloved one, the answers you seek outside yourself can often be found deep within. The universe/All That Is speaks to you in every waking moment on Earth. You are all beloved students, teachers, explorers, excavators, wanderers, and seekers.

Awaken the Universal Template of Fulfillment

Christ Michael
Lord Melchizedek
the Cosmic Collective
and the Twelve Ascension Energies
Ilona Anne Hress

Christ Michael: I come to address the topic of fearlessness, which is so necessary to the evolution of your race. I have walked on this planet and been affected by experiences of profound fear, and I understand the disempowering effects fear has on your evolutionary development.

Technology and Oneness

Ascended Master Kuthumi
Chanel Lingenfelder

I am Kuthumi, and I come forward on the rays of love and wisdom to greet you and gift you with a divine blessing of love. Beloved ones, humanity is facing one of the greatest challenges of wakening consciousness ever experienced.

Love, Light, and Joy Are the Same Word

Supreme Creator Goddess

The wholeness of the universe is contained in these three words: “love,” “light,” and “joy.” The universe is made of love. It spreads it through light and creates joy in the overwhelming feelings of belonging and oneness.

Induce Fifth-Dimensional Energy for Healing

Juliano and Helio-ah
David K. Miller

Juliano: Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Our Arcturian mission in working with you has two aspects: planetary healing and personal healing, which includes preparing you for ascension.

You Are at the Forefront of Change

Archangel Metatron
Takeli MMagdalen

Greetings, beloved ones. I am Metatron. I hold you all in the life force, profound love, and immensity of healing of our Creator Force. These are all here for you now and filter into your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body systems.

Earth’s Ascension Includes You

The Great Wisdom for These Times and Universal Oneness
Judith K. Moore

Great Wisdom: Crystal codes of light in your DNA and lightbody activate the cosmic particles flowing into reality to expand consciousness. Your heart vibration is the essential frequency to activate these powerful light codes.

The Seven Paragraphs

St. Germaine
Kira Raa

We welcome you. This is your moment to receive the gift of conscious connection with your self-ascended presence. A knowing calls out through the vastness of quantum space and time as the illuminated one. The law of instantaneous manifestation arrives in your conscious awareness.

The Joy of Loving Acceptance

Liane Rich

You are always in a state of love, only you do not feel love. You are actually a loving lightbeing, and when you exist as a loving lightbeing, love is what you are. You are literally made of love, and you will eventually learn to turn off hatred and anger to feel your love.

It’s Time to Remember Who You Are

Miriandra Rota

Greetings, my dear, lovely beings. I am Teacher, and I come forth to speak with you during this first month of the year 2024, and it is my pleasure to do so. What are many of you doing this January?


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