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A Quantum Field of Potentials

the Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

Some of you might be placing too much of a 3D overlay on a morphing quantum field of potentials that leads you to form an attachment to a desired, expected outcome or to wonder, “What is this all for, and where is it leading?” Your expectations are still set in a linear framework of understanding

You Are Called to Serve

Mother of Light
Mahatma Gandhi
Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde
and Shockara Starbeings
Blue Turtle

Mother of Light: Beloved child of light, I continue to watch you grow in your gifts and blessings with great adoration and love. You have committed yourself to the highest values and ideals, spreading unconditional love and light throughout the world.

A World of Magic Awaits Your Awareness

The Pleiadians
Sylvia Bucek

The Pleiadians: The world is full of magic just waiting for your awareness. To switch your awareness from the mundane to the magical, you must put your attention on union with your divine essence.

A New Prophecy of Old Souls

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Does the spiritual system on planet Earth ever change? Does the energy of what you call Spirit or God ever change?

Love and the Third Dimension

Amma the Divine Mother
Cathy Chapman

Dr. Cathy: This channeling is in response to a request made to discuss how to love continually and unconditionally, as well as how to accept others and avoid being further wounded by what you call toxic people in your third-dimensional life.

The Adventurer

Jeshua Ben Joseph
Judith Coates

Beloved one, I come to you one more time in this fashion to celebrate our joy and happiness of oneness, to know there truly is no separation. When you pray to me and use words, I hear you ask, “Am I using the right words? Is this message getting through?” Yes, it is.

Dragon Energy

Agents of the Light
Raffaello Di Meglio

Dragons have been part of folklore throughout history, and recently there has been a resurgence of interest. Why does the mythological concept of dragons energetically resonate with humans? And how can we connect to and utilize this dragon energy?

Expand Your Cosmic Horizon

I Am Presence
Sabrina Di Nitto

Let’s delve into the highest and purest realm of cosmic consciousness and the infinite potential of lightbody expansion. In this article, we explore the profound connection between the human body and the cosmic lightbody and how we can achieve cosmic ascension.

Connections to the Other Side

Therese Dorer

I have been blessed to connect with friends’ and clients’ loved ones on the other side for the past twenty-six years. I am always amazed and delighted when a family member’s spirit comes forth during a medium session to encourage and bring love to those on this side of the veil.

Manifesting the Magic of May

Mother Mary
Donna Ferri

Donna: Every year the little doves gracing our yard create their nest. They choose the same place atop a vertical hurricane shutter near the patio where they graze. Others of their growing flock take turns, producing as many as five clutches during a breeding season.


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