Good morning. Dearly beloveds, we are Telos. We are an intelligent consciousness who oversees seven colonies of humanoids in different galaxies and systems. There are seven galaxies of humanoids that are connected, and they have similarities and differences.
The Mary Trinity and Yeshua: Namaste, beloved beings of radiant light, love, illumination, joy, and presence. Dearest ones of this great and glorious universal experience of divine expansion, our hearts expand infinitely, enveloping the planetary experience of now.
Cosmic Light Council and Twelve Ascension Energies
Ilona Anne Hress
The Cosmic Light Collective: This lesson begins with a healing for the United States of America. A massive awakening offers great potential for national healing.
Morning glory fairy: Where are you going? Can you please stop and talk to me? I am this lovely flower you admire so much. I am very happy to be admired. I put much work into these flowers, and I mix many colors together. I like being wild and free, which I know many of you like as well.
You have been taught to believe that humans are the most intelligent species and deserve to rule the planet. This is not so. Many other species — from this planet and visitors who have arrived from other planetary systems — hold great intelligence. Many are more intelligent than humans.
Greetings. We begin with one thought, one image: a single shaft of sunlight. What can that single shaft of sunlight change? How powerful is it? It is part of creation, growth, and new beginnings. A single shaft of sunlight flows from an extraordinary star to extraordinary Earth.
We address the superhuman essence, the divine old and New Earth ascended masters, who are completing the ascension process as the descension process takes over for the light angels and will be fully streaming in 2025.
Many people are unaware that we live in a sea of energy. The energies of our environment are natural parts of our world. Artificial energies also exist, and they are increasing. While natural energies are supportive, many artificial energies are not.
We are the Lords of Time, and we are here to clear up misunderstandings or miscommunications about the nature and purpose of time. Time was created for the segmentation of experiences so that it could enrich the human experience.