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Primordial Love Energy

I Am Presence
Sabrina Di Nitto

The divine heart is active and powerful, constantly emanating high-frequency light codes. Your sphere of light slowly becomes pure in the sense that you imbue yourself with your light, your I Am consciousness, and all you had forgotten about your soul.

Sanskrit: True Words of the Divine

The Council of the Agents of the Light and the Guardians of the Ages
Raffaello Di Meglio

What is the history and significance of the ancient Sanskrit language?

A Pleiadian Circle of Light

The Pleiadians
Douglas Davis

You are invited to join us in a circle of light aboard our multidimensional starship. Humans put up many walls and barriers for fear of differences or not feeling worthy. However, you are all equals. You are likewise equal with us.

Clear Yourself before Healing Others

Cathy Chapman

Cathy: As a prelude to her message, Amma showed us a way to facilitate healing for ourselves so that we can send more healing love to others. Healing work is more than one focus of energy. It is prayer, writing or speaking words of love, drawing, painting, and writing poetry, to name a few.

Birth Wisdom

White Tara
Rae Chandran

When you are born, you come in with certain already developed senses. For example, you instinctively know where to place your mouth to get the nourishment you need. In the same way, you are born with several instincts you never explore. You have eight of these and many sub ones.

Is a Message Trying to Get Through?

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Do you feel as though a message is trying to get through to you? What a question. Yet, indeed, some of you feel this way. Some unusual things are happening, mostly to lightworkers and old souls on this planet.

You Are a Bringer of Light

The Supreme Creator Goddess
Luanne Cadden

Is true peace achievable in our place of darkness on Earth at this time? Peace is an inner feeling and has nothing to do with outside influences.

New Heights and Explorations

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde and Mahatma Gandhi
Blue Turtle

Mahatma Gandhi: Beloved children of God, you are going within, listening and watching carefully as you meet the challenges and opportunities of this sacred time. The ancestors enter through the thinnest veil between worlds to connect, comfort, and support you.

Necessity Is the Mother of Invention

the Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

Many of you lightworkers assume that you should be “out of here, already,” ascended into 5D. Instead, you process feelings of frustration and annoyance that haven’t done it yet. Try to consider this continued time in 3D as a gift and an opportunity.

Clear the Mind of Illusions

Angels and Yeshua
Denise Bennett, PhD

Yeshua and Angels, what message do you have for this family of light and love?


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