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Use Your Sacred Gifts

Grandfather Shaman
and Shockara Starbeings and Mahatma Gandhi
Blue Turtle

Grandfather Shaman: Beloved children, a new world is opening up through the love and light of the Creator. It is time to re-create your birthright as holy children and use your sacred gifts for those you serve and connect with in community.

Go Beyond Survival

The Peacemakers
Robin Baldock

So much happening in your world today is breaking down the old belief systems and structures of power so that new ones can emerge to take you through the next millennium.

A Golden Age Dawns

The Pleiadians
Sylvia Bucek

The year 2024 sees the dawning of a golden age that has been known to you since the time of Earth’s pristine origins when you lived in accordance with universal laws. The laws begin with divine oneness, which contains ready access to all information in the entire database of the universe.

Earth’s Future Depends on You

Roger Burnley

We are so pleased you are here. We have waited for you your entire life. We say these words every time we meet you, and if we have not met you, they will still resonate and make sense. We speak to you from universal consciousness.

Be an Instrument of Peace

Cathy Chapman

Dear ones, I am Amma the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and as most of you know, I am your mother. If I’m the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother, does that make you divine? Of course it does.

UFO Sightings and Contacts Will Accelerate

The Collective
Jiulio Consiglio

Jiulio : Since 2005, I have been writing and speaking on the transformative powers of inner stillness, psychic development, and the mind-body-spirit connection.

You Are Halfway Through

the Cosmic Council
Pat Crosby

A big phase of the shifting process happens between 2012 and 2036. Hold on, because in 2024, you are halfway through this tumultuous phase. As with adolescence, it will be a bumpy ride with unsettled and ungrounded emotions running rampant. Even so, we see a happy outcome down the road.

The Separation Game Is Coming to an End

The Star People
Douglas Davis

We are the Star People. We are all star brothers and sisters. You are made of star energy in your body and spirit. We are all one. When you see a star in the night sky, you see your reflection.

The End of Male Authoritarian Control

Agents of the Light
Raffaello Di Meglio

Greetings. Two agents emerge to speak: Ouranos, a star-like energy and heavenly father figure, and Cronos, who represents the uninterrupted flow of time. They say that signs point to male dominance coming to an end even though that energy is still very strong and unchallenged in certain areas.

A Year of Expansion and Growth

Mother Mary
Therese Dorer

Therese: In this vision, a path of smooth white stones leads to a clearing in the forest. In the clearing, I see a circle of illumination with shafts of light emanating toward the heavens. Everyone reading these words is invited to join the circle of light.


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