Dearly beloved masters: Faith is a major element of living life well, yet humanity talks about it and then doubts. As Earth is moving rapidly into the essence of the new age — the new order — everything is changing, no matter what humanity does to try to stop it.
Greetings from Home, dear ones. You are such magical beings. We come to you this day to help remind you of who you truly are as you bring the essence of creator beings to Earth. Yes, you look to the heavens and put us on a pedestal.
We are the Lightbeings, and we come forth to speak with you glorious beings who reside upon Earth to bring the news that you have been waiting for. This is that news.
For the most part, you are in a very good state of mind. You understand that you come from another space and time and that you, for the most part, believe that you return to another space and time.
In this way, we greet you for the many as well as the few. We are Siria Family. It’s always a joy to meet you here in the physical, during this time frame.
Greetings, beloved ones. I am Metatron. I come to you in the gladness and joy of our Creator Source, the Divine Source of all experience, consciousness, and light.
Greetings, I am Helio-ah. We are the Arcturians. We often say that you can be a better planetary healer when you heal yourself. We wish to help you, and thereby planet Earth, by providing you with different techniques to aid you on your personal and planetary healing journeys.
Whoa, Nellie! This has been a year of metamorphosis within ourselves and within and without all dimensions. The year 2024 has taken us places within our awareness and perceptions we did not expect.
I am Kuthumi, and I come forward on the rays of love and wisdom to greet you and gift you a divine blessing of love. We enfold your love with ours so that you might lift yourself and truly ascend into higher frequencies of consciousness and communication.
We continue to provide the information necessary to raise your vibration and fulfill your soul plan on Earth. Some among you intuitively understand that your spirits desire for you to become masters on Earth.