Juliano: This is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Two goals of our Arcturian teachings are to help you in your personal ascension work and to assist the planet in her healing and ascension. When we Arcturians think of ascension, the first concept that comes to mind is vibration.
I am Kuthumi. Greetings, beloved one. Awakening and awareness are personal treasures, the sacred essence of stepping into the higher frequency that life gifts you.
The Cosmic Light Collective and the Lavender Cloudlike Celestial
Ilona Anne Hress
Ilona: This powerful healing lesson on collaboration can be a life changer. Welcome a celestial lavender cloudlike being into your presence before reading.
It is good day to you. We love seeing your bright and shining energy out in the ethers. This is the new year of awakening. The Age of Aquarius is coming into full swing, the planet is shifting its perspective, and the people living on the planet hold the ignition key for opening the new era.
Greetings, beloved beacon of light. We shower you in bliss and activate bliss from the very essence of your being, like a fire igniting, growing stronger, and filling you. Imagine this fire of bliss.
We sense subtle reflections of the Creative Source within us even as we say passing hellos to fellow humans in our daily world. These seemingly small connections trigger the growth of awareness in us and in those we think of as others when in truth they are many versions of us.
Donna: As I readied to receive Mother Mary, I noticed the date: December 8, 2024. Traditionally, it’s the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception. However, Mother Mary teaches us that the term “immaculate conception” isn’t about the mother of God being the only one free of original sin.
Therese: The vision I see is of a staircase of light reaching up into the clear blue sky. The staircase seems to stretch into infinity, and I am encouraged to follow the light.
Agent Eros, who signifies unification, states that universal love is love from Original Source, which is creation brought forth from the Divine as an act of love. Universal love came into existence within this act of love and became reality.
Dear precious ones, sit with me as I share this story. I lovingly embrace you as I speak. I want to tell you the story of your creation. Oh yes, each of you has a name in this lifetime. You also have another name, a soul name that we call you.