My dear ones, I am the Divine Mother of the divine mothers. I am your mother. You grew within my womb, and you continue to reside within my womb. I continue to fill you with love and to nurture you. There is nothing you need to do to receive my love and nurturance.
We are going to talk about what is coming toward you that will have an impact on the physical form that you are in. It is going to come and hit you; you are going to feel it out of nowhere. It is already around you, already around you. It is already there. You are walking toward it.
My dear ones, I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers. I am your mother. As your mother, I love you unconditionally. This means it does not matter what you do or do not do or what has or has not happened to you. Nothing will change the love I have for you.