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Greater Understanding

Greater Understanding Shockara Starbeings through Blue Turtle

Beloved Earth beings, notice how the universe continues to expand across the vast moving space of consciousness. More worlds are being born, colliding with other masses and constellations. Some stars are dying and being swept into giant black holes. This is the nature of the cosmos — constantly birthing, dying, and being reborn.
See how the light continues to expand and grow throughout creation, which is increasing exponentially. Many lightbeings are coming forth to assist you in growing in your consciousness and understanding of being. Be still within, and watch how your life unfolds.
As you are present and watching the world outside, you also see what is unfolding within you and how these things are connected. Things and events on the inside and outside interact and affect one another. They cocreate what is consciously within and without. By being present, you can watch the movement of these universal energies.
