In the early 1980s, Jonathan attended his first healing arts festival. He was quite young at the time, and much of the experiences, techniques, and knowledge that now seem so common to so many were quite new to him.
We are the Founders. We are the consciousness of the first wave of souls who came to Earth. We have shared in previous messages about consciousness in a way that gave the impression that we assumed you know what we mean by the term “consciousness.” However, this might not be the case.
Hello, beloved ones of great light, love, and joy. We have come together today in a unified field of presence. This unified field of presence is one that you have been in before because you sit within a holy chamber. A holy chamber does not need to be made of stone.
Indeed, we join you for the joy of joining, for that which might be created in the joining of minds. This is the true definition of holy relationship — the coming together to create out of the awareness of the completion, the overflow, which is the natural state of your beingness.
Greetings, beloved students, and welcome to another new month. What a remarkable year 2017 is turning out to be! I trust you are all learning a great deal as you observe the evolutionary process unfolding on a planet quivering with unrealized possibilities.
Greetings, masters. I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, and I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of crystalline service. Among the creative artistic works available to souls in the cosmos, the living omniverse, and omni-Earth, none offers more benevolence than musical expression.
Greetings, dear ones. I am Merlia. I join you this day to share more about my other aspects, for I am the feminine version of the Merlin energy. Although the energy has been on your planet before, I have not been here for several reasons.
In these times with so much activity and interaction of a highly emotional and often angry, violent, or judgmental nature on Earth, the beings of light offer loving suggestions to all people on the planet to work toward calming the turbulent waters of emotion and establishing a groundwork for
To understand the nature of mind, the nature of self, and the nature of reality, use your intuition more than your thinking. Everyone has a natural inclination to seek understanding, and at the same time, everyone already has understanding within himself or herself.