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The Phases of Earth’s Crystalline Ascension

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings masters, I am Metatron, lord of light, with Tyberonn of crystalline service. We greet you lovingly in a vector of timeless space. We embrace you in the now time that you read these words, and we surround you in an energy of unconditional love.

The Time of Transformation

The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light
Star Hinman

The time of powerful transformation has now arrived for all of you on Earth. As Earth undergoes huge changes, so do you!

Ascension Scenarios and Migration Choices

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

In bioascension, how is the old Earth universe being harvested into all the new Earths now?

Holographic Healing Work and Your Home Planet

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings. I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Starseeds are Earth beings who have had lifetimes on other planetary systems and have had interactions, on Earth or other planets, with higher dimensional beings from other planetary systems.

All Life Can Change Form and Dimensions

Inspired Information
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Everything you do touches another, weaving a strand of time that seeks an eternal experience. There are no actions or interactions that are not in divine proportion. There is only the vibration of All That Is seeking to be entwined with itself.

Connect with Your Original Self

Barbara “Marianna” Zimmermann

Can you assist me in unsealing the gateway to my memory bank so that I can remember who I was before my third-dimensional experience?

Stand in the Solidarity as Love Incarnate

Cathy Chapman

Good morning, dear ones. Yes, I love you all. You know that I am your mother. I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother. You rest within my womb. I only have love within my womb since that is what I am made from.

The Divine Flame of Emergence

Kenneth Drake

“We wish to remind you, beautiful soul, that it is the fire that purifies and turns into pure gold all that once seemed so very tarnished. It is the fire of the refinement, as it were.


St. Germain
Rebecca Dawson

We are with you in every moment, every cell, and every aspect of your being. But you are here to discover that we are one. There has been so much in your learning and experience that has led you to ask, “Who am I? What am I?

Learn from Teaching Moments

David Reid Lowell

The problem with wanting to retire is that your nonphysical self may not be in agreement with you.


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