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The Wall

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved one, beloved friend, the word “friend” is a derivation of another word that means “equal.” You are equal to me. Now, I know that your holy fathers have said, “Well, that cannot be.

Focus Entirely on the Light

Ingrid Auer

You are really going through turbulent times! No matter what country and continent you inhabit, there are great changes, upheavals, and even breakdowns. Although the spiritual world has been preparing you for years, there is a big difference between hearing something and experiencing it.

God Wins

Ariel and Uriel
Arthur Fanning

Peace to all beings. Peace to all beings. Mercy. Mercy. The expression we need to get through now is that time is a direction. Before you were born, you were in the eternal presence. Everything, everywhere, seen and being, is.

Be Your Own Best Friend

Mother Ulura
Karinna Nielsen

As Mother Earth continues her shifting process, I encourage you to create spaces in your life on all four bodies — physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual — to nurture peace, balance, and harmony within you.

Connect with Your Lightbody Meditation

Supreme Creator Goddess

Breathe deeply several times through your heart space. Stand, preferably with music in the background, and close your eyes. With your imaginary magic wand, draw a complete circle of light around your feet. Begin Ronna’s infinity breath exercise.

The New World Can Only Be Created with Love

Jesus of Nazareth
Virginia Ellen

The third dimension operates on the concept of sin and punishment, which you may call good or bad or right or wrong. Consequences always follow mistakes, errors, or failure in the third dimension. All judgment stems from the incorrect concept of sin and punishment.

The Great Moment of Release

Archangel Raphael
Sri Ram Kaa

Beloved ones of many worlds, we are the energy of the one experienced as Archangel Raphael. We come to you today because your planet has now entered a vast awareness calling forward abundant healing. We are always with you.

The Next Three Years Are Critical

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from Home, dear ones. We are so overjoyed to be with you and see humanity evolve in a magical way. We bring you a message from the collective because this is very important, so we wanted all our energies to combine as one voice.

Let Things Be What They Are

Divine Mother
Athene Raefiel

I was truly amazed the day I intuited this message and the Divine Mother herself spoke to me. She told me that this promises to be a tremendous time, as she will be interceding on our behalf.

Go Forth with Purpose and Love

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students, I greet you once again as Earth greets September. With the autumnal equinox, may you all know balance and joy. May your meditations and activities be blessed with grace and abundant joy, and may the balance of daylight and night fill you with the wonder of life on planet Earth.


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