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You Are Nothing but the Sky

Lyssa Royal Holt

Lyssa: Hamón is an ambassador from Sirius who continues the evolution-assistance work the ancient Sirians initiated on Earth many thousands of years ago. He began channeling through Lyssa in 2011 to help prepare for the 2012 transition.

Lord Merlin’s Promise for 2020

Lord Merlin
Natalie Glasson

It is a gracious time on planet Earth now, as well as in the universe of the Creator. It is a time of deep blossoming and powerful transitions from duality to integration. It is a time when love becomes the foundation rather than the goal.

“Peace on Earth” Is the Mantra for the Days to Come

Arthur Fanning

Peace to all beings. Mercy. You are in the process of understanding, now at this time, the transition of life. In the transition of life that you are in, you continually “blink on and off.” That means you do not see the “pause” that is happening in linear time.

Prepare for the Blossoming of Your Soul

The Pleiadians
Sylvia Bucek

Your bodies are hard-wired for the metamorphosis you are experiencing, but your human-created world is not. That is changing. Your human-created world is the forum where history unfolds; it is the stage on which your story plays out.

A Year of Jubilee

Great Divine Director
Maureen St. Germain

Many so-called psychics will tell you false prophecies. You must learn to discern. The purpose of prophecy is to give hope and warning. The future can be changed or amplified.

Cosmic Awakening as Divine Experience

The Divine Directors
Sri Ram Kaa

Beloved ones, we are the Divine Directors, and we offer joy and support for all the starseeds, walk-ins, hybrids, and activated beings of crystalline light who call out for reassurance. You are heard.

When the Rubber Hits the Road

The Lion People
Ellyn Dye

Hold on to your hat, because things are about to become really interesting. Change is coming! Yes, you already feel as if you have been there, done that, and have all those T-shirts. But as the saying goes, “You haven’t seen anything yet!”

Focus on Bringing More Love into the World

Master Imhotep
Karinna Nielsen

Greetings! The Omni Consciousness of all Light surrounds your planet and holds all incarnate beings in its loving embrace.

Trust What Unfolds

One Life
Catherine Weser

You are in the middle of the 2012 through 2025 cycle of undoing, and the year 2020 continues much of the dynamic dismantling of culture and self that was prominent in 2019.

Call for the Highest Love, Light, and Truth

Mother Mary
Therese Dorer

Therese: The vision I see is of a narrow, dusty road. The sun is hot, and the road feels long. Up ahead, I see an old-fashioned stone water well under the shade of a huge tree. Standing by the well is a beautiful woman surrounded in pale blue light.


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