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Let Change Be Your Mission and Joy Your Outcome

Sanat Kumara
Maureen St. Germain

We see so many of you in a state of uncertainty and chaos. We think the chaos you observe is because you can no longer control the environment you are in. This is due to the rapid change your reality is going through. This rapid change is a good thing.

Gather Your Network to Change Your World

Lady Portia and Count St. Germain
Star Hinman

Lady Portia: Greetings, my dears, it is good to be with all of you! We want you to know that we recommend you now set your strong intention to form a powerful network of intelligence and energy for creatively addressing both spiritual and practical everyday matters.

Increase Your Inner Light as the Days Darken

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde and Mahatma Gandhi and Mother of Light and Shockara Starbeings
Blue Turtle

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde: Beloved children of the Creator, increasing spiritual forces come together to empower you to grow and expand into your full enterprising healing potential.

Something Rough Is Coming but … and You Will Be Safe …

Robert Shapiro

Can you give us an update on what’s happening now?

A Step beyond Karma

The Peacemakers
Robin Baldock

In earlier times, the slow pace of life meant usually only one major stream of karma emerged at a time to challenge a particular country. The machinations of the power brokers were much easier to observe from our side.

Energy Swirls of Destruction and Creation

Dorothy Bodenburg

Can you feel the currents of swirling energy? Separation consciousness is in quite a stir, as can be seen by the discordant nature of events around the world. Separation consciousness is a reality formed by individuals, groups, and nations that believe form is reality.

Stand in the Greatest Power of the Universe

Mahatma Gandhi
Blue Turtle

Beloved children of God, goodness is being created in the world by so many of you who commit to God and the highest good. You can feel the joy and abundance coming forth as you gather in unity to meet the dark forces that still seek to cripple, crush, and imprison you.

The Fast Track to Self-Mastery

Archangel Michael

My beloved champions of light, it is not a time for the faint-hearted, but it is time to stop dabbling in spirituality. Many of you endeavor half-heartedly to awaken to the wisdom of the soul and your higher self.

Enjoy Life in the New Realm

Miriandra Rota

Greetings! I am Teacher, and I come forth to have a little chat with those of you who are filled with light and residing in this glorious spiritual journey on Earth. Much is happening on Earth.

Disruptive Energies Create a New Paradigm

Lady Portia and Count St. Germain
Star Hinman

Star: This year has been amazingly intense, with many unexpected and seemingly disruptive events that challenge our fortitude and resolve. Many of us ask, “What on Earth is going on? Did I do something wrong to cause all this to happen in my life?”


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