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A New Rhythm for Earth

A New Rhythm for Earth The group and the Keeper of Time through Steve Rother

The group: Greetings, dear ones. Humans are moving incredibly fast now. We see what’s taking place and understand your fear. Breathe, dear ones. There’s another part of this process that we’re starting to see, full of hope and excitement. We will share it with you and clarify the energy around it.

Earth herself has much more of a hand in all this than you might have thought. Even in the midst of chaos and fear, you will start to see a huge rising of the human heart. This energy of love has spread and is starting to pervade the planet. All of you are now getting ready to go through an entirely new stage of this process.

Humans are starting to see waves of grief. You are simply grieving the way things used to be. You’ll try hard to return to exactly the same places as before, but the world has changed. It has already shifted, and now there’s a new rhythm on planet Earth. With new rhythms also come new opportunities to spread light in a variety of ways and to see yourself and your place in this beautiful universe. Remember, all it takes is one little act of kindness for the human heart to rise and see the beauty in others. The heart is activated much the same way a smile automatically spreads, as it is passed on from one person to another.
