Divine Memory in the Golden-Essence Core Light
Divine Memory in the Golden-Essence Core Light The New Ascended Masters through Maurene Watson
Bio-enlightenment is the resurrected birth of divine memory or the imagination of the heart’s golden-corelight essence matter, for what the heart imagines, is. Bio-ascension is the birth and ascent of new conscious quantum/prima matter (DNA codes) as a new cosmic race, whereby the joy is in existence itself and the creational freedom to have any experience of your goldenheart potentials’ passion. This is where soul evolution meets itself inside of its own creation in the experience of fulfillment. It is lived and streams new consciousness for all essence-humanity and all species in the cosmos with all its superhuman flavors, textures, hues, tones, and meta-senses. You can telecom, tele-sense, tele-transport, and tele-fuse, expanding in light fields, streams, or golden-orb droplets, for creation is joy, and you have helped it know how to grow its heart to laugh, cry, fear, suffer, and even judge while trapped in density to know and remember your soul.