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A Few Thoughts on Higher Self and the Law of Attraction

A Few Thoughts on Higher Self and the Law of Attraction Wendy Zellea

Who is your higher self? You thought you were your only self. How many selves do you have? Your higher self is who you really are; it is how you came into the world. It is called by many names—spirit, soul, consciousness, and so on—but it's who you are. It is the luminous being who is having a human experience and appears to the world as you.

When you're connected with your higher self—as you were when you were very young—you are happy. It's the nature of your higher self to be happy, and that is all it knows, which is why you experience resistance when you do not listen to its guidance. The difficulty in our culture is remaining connected to this part of us. It's rarely mentioned that we have this source of higher guidance or that it even exists.
