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Appreciate What Earth Offers Freely

Quadro and Galon
Robert Shapiro



No More Right or Wrong

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from Home, dear ones. You are at a critical junction of time and space on planet Earth. You have moved very clearly from one dimension to the next, going through interdimensional realities as you do, and now you are grasping at the old straws.

The Illusion of Fear

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, will you pause with me for a moment and take inventory of your recent accomplishments and also what may seem like defeat or failure to you?

Becoming Light Orchestrators: a Peak into the Next Octave

Amariah Mara

As you approach your transition into the next dimensional reality, the sensitivity to your lightbodies — the strands that connect within the web of light and the sparks of thought that travel between forms — will amplify.

Deepen Your Connection to Spirit

Mother of Light, Shockara Starbeings, and Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde
Blue Turtle

My beloved children of light, it is time for you to behold a new vision of Mother Earth and your place on her and within her embrace. As you move into the darker days of the season, stay attuned to the glorious light of Spirit.

The Eternal Light of Metatron

Judith K. Moore

The cosmic channels of light are opened on the planet now. You will feel this message on a deep soul level. I am Metatron. I have guided you with my light and held you dear to the presence of the God-source as a child of the light.

Parameters of Possibility

Rainbow Walker
Matthew Douglas

The time in which you find yourself is a time to erase the parameters of possibilities (societal rules, beliefs, and limitations). These are drawn throughout your life and continue to be reinforced. Who draws them and why?

Your Being Needs the Sunlight

All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be
Elliott Eli Jackson

There are many sacred connections within and on your known and unknown universes. Therefore, we wish to give you more information about your personal and collective connections as well as connections to your Sun and the other suns that are near you and your Earth in proximity.

Soul Shapes and Their Functions

Archangel Metatron and the Goddess of Mathematics and Science, Sri Roopeshwari
Rae Chandran

Blessings and greetings to all. Today we would like to discuss the topic of shapes. Have you ever wondered why there are shapes in the world? What are the functions of these shapes? Why aren't shapes all the same?

Love versus Knowledge

Archangel Zadkiel
Sri Ram Kaa

The pillars of light have ignited themselves, and within this ignition, they have ignited many others. Through this ignition, we all lift.


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