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You Are in the Universe, and the Universe Is in You

You Are in the Universe, and the Universe Is in You Djwhal Khul through Kathlyn Kingdon

As we come to the end of 2013, I greet you, dear students, with kind support as together we orchestrate movement into 2014. May our collective journey offer some measure of blessing for all sentient beings who are a part of the planetary shift into a new age.

While much could be said about this particular juncture in terms of your personal path, the broader perspective demands a good look at the collective journey. Indeed, the personal level may need to fade a bit if clear vision is to be ascertained for planetary progress. While this may require a considerable shift in focus, in the end, it is "the only game in town."

What Will a Spiritual Path in the New Age Look Like?

Even though spiritual progress must now be viewed in terms of a relational model that applies to an entire planet, for a while, most aspirants will continue to experience their respective spiritual paths as a singular endeavor. Since the planetary experience is still on the threshold of a new era, this is the time to align your individual path to the collective path.
