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For the Thrill of It All!

The Council of Unity
Helenita Ziegler

The rollercoaster attendant is loading up the people. Did you buy a ticket? Are you ready for the ride of your life? This human life, that is. You can choose to ride with your hands in the air or grasping the bar with white knuckles. It is all up to you!

Let There Be Light

Lynette Leckie-Clark

Let there be light, and there was light. It is I, Kuthumi, who speaks to you once more. Let me ask you: What is the light of which I speak?

A Beautiful Part of the Puzzle

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from home. Home is now changing because of what you are doing here on this planet. Each and every one of you has brought a very special segment of home to planet Earth to carry with you.

Intense New Energies Bring Positive Change

Cathy Chapman

Greetings, my dear ones. So you want to know more of what is happening as you approach what you call 2012? Remember when it seemed so far away? Now you are looking at the 12-12-12 only just shy of two years from now.

Secret International Cabal Runs Fake ET Invasion in a Sky Full of Real ET Craft

Grandfather and Zoosh
Robert Shapiro

All right. Grandfather.



Archangel Michael
Carolyn Ann O'Riley

Welcome! My beautiful beings of grace, isn't it wonderful that this sign post of 2012 keeps popping up? My beloveds, it kind of smacks of the Y2K bug, where everyone was determined that the world would not go into the year 2000 and the computers of the world would no longer operate.

Find Your Self!

Sarrinn with the Ancients
Daniele DeVoe

Dearest lightworkers, welcome to your new year, 2011!

Awakening Your True Self

Expanded Consciousness and Merlin
Miriandra Rota

Greetings to you, beloved beings. We are Expanded Consciousness and would speak with you in this manner for the love of who you are.

The Ascension Triad

James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters, I am Metatron, lord of light, and I greet each of you individually, lovingly, and in a vector of timeless space. I embrace you in the now time in which you read these words and surround you in an energy of unconditional love. And so we speak of the coming year—of 2011.

The Year of Gaia

David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano, and we are the Arcturians. The year 2011 will be a year in which the polarizations are going to get stronger, but at the same time, there is going to be an overwhelming new energy of unity and spiritual awareness.


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