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Commitment to Consciousness

Dwahl Khul
Catherine Weser

The eclipse on July 1 marked a new threshold, a point where we could reach collectively and individually across the chasm between the old paradigm and the new paradigm. There have been many of these transition points, and there will be many more to come.

Creating World Peace: The Journey from Within

Master Kirael
Kahu Fred Sterling

A great awakening is taking place on this planet. I think of it as the Goddess awakening within every soul on Earth, a time when you must come to a greater understanding of the self. So I ask you to think clearly about how to create peace within yourselves.

You Have to Be Conscious Now— Be in the Present

Robert Shapiro

All right, this is Isis. Now, this is just a reminder that you are moving through what feels like a minefield at times, but that is because you are literally changing your way of doing everything.

Soul Evolution and the Supermind

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Today we wish to talk about the soul journey and the way the soul comes into the Earth plane.

The Reemergence of Golden Dolphin Awareness: Origin and Purpose of the Ancient Ones

Anaya Ra

A new era has been launched in the evolution of humanity's consciousness—the age of the golden dolphins—in which the earthly dimension will become a safe place for individuals to embrace their wholeness and declare their divinity.

Your Own Unique Process of Dignified Self-Discovery

David Reid Lowell

It takes commitment to follow through on your ambitions and subsequent contentment and fully grow within your career or craft, advancing yourself by achieving a level of respect and professionalism. You know what you need; you just need to let yourself follow your natural instinct.

The Solution Is Simple, But No One Ever Said It Would Be Easy

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

I greet you once again, beloved students, in the midst of the flow of transformation of your planet. While chaotic, the current time is not without powerful meaning in the lives of each one of you. How are you harvesting and integrating the powerful lessons of this time?

The Attributes of the Match Bearer

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. A group of old souls sits in front of me as they often do. Each one has his own attributes that are spiritual as well as those of Earth.


Chief Red Eagle
Riz Mirza

Lately everybody has been talking about the word "abundance." In the old days, abundance meant there was a good harvest. Imagine a very large basket bursting with colorful fruit. Many fish in the net was another example of abundance.

Creating Forgiveness

Master Kuthumi
Lynette Leckie-Clark

My dear friends, I welcome you once again as we meet in the peace, unity and light of Oneness. I ask you to breathe in the light with our energies together as we begin another teaching.


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