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Your Lineage

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved ones, you have chosen to be incarnate at this time because you knew it was going to be a time of great upheaval, a time of great change, and sometimes you have mirrored this in your individual lives.

Preparation for Planetary Evolution: Attending the Workshop of the Mind

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students, as I greet you this month, we are moving very quickly toward the close of 2010. What a year it has been! There have been unprecedented opportunities for service, not only in the areas from which each of you hail, but at a global level as well.

Tools for New Ways of Thinking, Being, and Perceiving

Miriandra Rota

Well my dears, here you are at the delightful and soul-expanding moment wherein you are actually asking yourselves to reside in a new and different way, to reside in a way more comprehensive of truth, and—yes, here it is, the time is now—to be who you really are and use those abilities that have

Approach and Ascent

The group
Steve Rother

The year 2011 is a turning point for humanity in several ways. The three years of 2010, 2011, and 2012 will determine the trajectory of humanity into the new energy.

Hidden Secrets Are about to Be Revealed

Master Kuthumi
Rae Chandran

Beloved beings of light, this is Master Kuthumi. As the time fast approaches for the grand moment that has been prophesied for a long time, are you all prepared? Have you all been working to clear and heal yourselves?

Your Superhuman Body

The Divine Feminine
Virginia Ellen

Hello, my sweet ones. I am the feminine energy, and I am as soft and gentle as a delicate rose and as strong as the howling wind. I am without fear. As 2012 approaches, you will discover that there is a tremendous energy within you as well. Your bodies must be strong to hold this energy.

Fifth-Dimensional Perspective

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved ones, you are in a place now in the threedimensional world where there is much change going on. Because the times are changing, much openness is going to be needed in the next few years, knowing that your belief system really does alter that which you find yourself experiencing.

Allowing Perception without Judgment Moves You to 3.56!

Robert Shapiro

What it is time for you to hear now is that because of your change of motion from one path or timeline to another, you are experiencing a shift globally—a shift of perception. Perception allows you to gravitate in this case to seeing more than you have seen before.

The Prison of the Conditioned Mind

The Brotherhood of Light
Edna Frankel

Disclaimer: The information herein is for educational purposes only. The content of this channeling should not be used to give medical advice or to prescribe any form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, directly or indirectly.

A Year of Appreciation

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students, I greet you as 2010 rushes toward its eminent termination in what can only be called an amazing endeavor.


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