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Practice Frequency-Raising Activities to Mitigate WiFi and EMF Threats

Practice Frequency-Raising Activities to Mitigate WiFi and EMF Threats Omnidimensional Beings through Kathy Wilson

Are the WiFi and EMF (electromagnetic field) frequencies going to be our demise because they are harmful to our bodies, or are they going to help us into the higher dimensional realms by increasing our frequencies?
For some humans, this EMF, WiFi, and all other such frequencies will be detrimental. For others, it will be helpful. The difference is the unique native and natural bioelectronic field that surrounds each of you. Let us explain. There are four types of humans living on your planet. Each type resonates a specific frequential range.
The lowest vibrational humans are the oldest type on the planet. They were brought here during the last reseeding, which was after the demise of Lemuria and Atlantis. They are still basically the same as when they were first seeded. These are all those born before 1945, as you number your years.
