As time unwinds itself like an eight-track tape, we find ourselves up the emotional creek without a paddle. We face our deepest fears, blocks, and so-called weaknesses at this time. Everything is asking us to show more light, show more love, and show more passion in our undertakings.
Beloved ones, we welcome you. In many worlds, we are called by many names. We have come here at this time to ignite the inner remembrance of your mastery to know it is wise to simply keep moving forward.
I am Melchior. I am the galactic Logos, and I oversee the galactic levels of the Creator’s universe, distributing the sacred energies and will of the Creator. I am neither masculine nor feminine; I am the synthesis of both, a unity and expression of the Creator.
Although the confusion in Washington is attracting attention from other movements, it is pleasing to note that the civil war karma we have mentioned before is gradually being worked out through Black Lives Matter and other such initiatives.
As we have said to you before, beautiful one, not once have you ever truly been alone, for you have friends in Spirit. In these trying times you now unfold and develop in, we speak to you of a divine principle that is coming to the forefront of your recognition — that of spirit communion.
This message is the first in a series of messages I received from the Galactic Federation of Light. This message came to me a while ago, but I was hesitant to release it given that the primary group I channel is the Macroversal Council of Elders.
“The sky is the limit,” they said. They were wrong. There are no limits — only those you impose on yourselves. We say there is no such thing as death — at least, not the way you perceive it. Death is merely a transitional space between where you have been and where you are going.
Jesus: You all wish to ascend, yet you do not know what that entails. Take a moment to contemplate your vision of ascension. It will not look as you imagine it. It is living in the unknown realms of unconditional love.
Beloved children of God, your souls are awakening beautifully to the full possibilities of your incarnation in this lifetime. You have the power to effect monumental and powerful change for all humanity and your world.
As you take a moment to pause, breathe, and come into a space of reflection, what arises could be the awareness of the wild ride of life that you’ve been participating in.