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Learn from Teaching Moments

Learn from Teaching Moments Michel through David Reid Lowell

The problem with wanting to retire is that your nonphysical self may not be in agreement with you. Often recently, I have found my mind filled with Michel’s voice, my senses experiencing beyond this third-dimensional realm as my eyes see the color of emotions, my ears hear the mind’s thoughts, and my spirit feels the hearts of others. Dreams become workshops where my higher self migrates into other dimensions, playing out various scenarios and bearing witness to the outcomes that modulate so softly, orchestrated by celestial movements and reminding me that in this world, our world, below is very much as above.

The path you think you want may not be the path that the universe has planned for you. Imagine driving down a highway, determined to get off at exit 35, but your car suddenly needs oil or gas at exit 15. So exit 15 it is, and while there, you meet someone who has information or inspiration or words that remind you that you are not in control.

Be fluid, give up control, and allow yourself to let go of past patterns of engrained desires you thought were so important but might only be temporal distortions of your third-dimensional life. They might only represent one set of practices, beliefs, or habits that you have reinforced because you were taught to believe that is how it should be.
