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Say Prayers for Mother Earth

Robert Shapiro

I want to talk to some of you out there because you will be influential in ways that you might not have thought possible.

Going from the Dark to the Light

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I want you to put a bubble around this place, blocking out all other sounds and concepts. There is an energy here for you, and for some of you, this day of teaching is an energy of “aha!” It’s an energy that isn’t new, for it’s a remembrance.

Spiritual Wisdom Will Grow in 2018

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings. I am Juliano, and we are the Arcturians! I am sure there is much anxiety and anticipation about the year 2018. It is difficult to make predictions based on the experiences of 2017.

The Power of Love Will Displace the Love of Power

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters, I am Metatron, lord of light, with Tyberonn of crystalline service. We greet each of you lovingly in a vector of timeless space. We embrace you in the now time that you read these words, and we surround you in an energy of unconditional love.

Realize the Power of Your Choices

Lady Portia and Count St. Germain
Star Hinman

All of you are now fully realizing the important and lasting circumstances created in your lives through the choices you make. Sometimes things that seem insignificant in the moment can have irreversible consequences.

Do You Get It?

The Founders
Jaap van Etten

We are the Founders. We are the consciousness of the first wave of souls who came to Earth. The channel pointed out that the world is experiencing many dramatic events that cause a great deal of fear. These are changes that do not seem to be positive.

Only Truth Will Raise the Frequency of Earth

Omnidimensional Beings
Kathy Wilson

Soon all will be called on to fight for the truth. It is beginning now, but what is coming will call to all who are here to help raise the frequency of the entirety of humanity. Those who speak the untruths are positioning themselves to hold power over others.

Share Your Visions and Creations with the World

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Masters, because you are changers of consciousness, it’s time to offer the world your creations and visions. Give humans the perfection they need to find brilliant solutions that only lighted love can offer.

Privacy, Power, and Purpose in 2018

The One Life
Catherine Weser

Looking at the upcoming year, 2018, we see that there will be three subjects that continue to generate some concern for most of you. These subjects are privacy, power, and purpose as they relate to you personally and to the sense of your culture as a Westerner, especially as Americans.

A Simple Technique to Release Archetype

The Family of God
Rae Chandran

Blessings and greetings. This is the Family of God. We wish to bring forth in this short message a simple technique to release conditioned beliefs. You might ask, “What benefit does it bring?” It has many benefits, primarily the remembrance of who you are.


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