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Enlightenment Naturally Advocates for the Common Good

Enlightenment Naturally Advocates for the Common Good Gaia through Cristi Jenkins

Dear ones, you live in a chaotic time. The forces of illusion that have kept your species harming each other, often for the good of one privileged group over another, is coming to the forefront of your collective awareness. The recent regression toward force serves a purpose in that it is becoming a collective choice. The call to action is clear. Are you going to move beyond the chains of your past or continue in ignorance and fear?

Indeed, many are working behind the scenes to combat the dark, fear-based ignorance behind your basic human nature. Much of it is based on your biological functioning. You are working to turn the collective mindset toward a greater awareness that the old way of perceiving life has not served you very well as a species.

Human beings, however, generally continue to choose to close your eyes to the structures within your brains. Your biology, in a sense, keeps you enslaved in a fog of needing to be right in order to keep your perceptions more predictable and, therefore, safe. Your neuroscientists are uncovering the very basics of how your brains conform to the illusion of your reality, offering the keys to true enlightenment as a species. Many of you, however, do not care to see how your biology continues to warp your ability to treat each other as spiritual and civic equals, as each worthy of the best that life has to give everyone.
