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Qualities of a Master: A Banister of Hope Who Is Self-Disciplined

All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be
Elliott Eli Jackson

We continue to provide the information necessary to raise your vibration and fulfill your soul plan on Earth. Some among you intuitively understand that your spirits desire for you to become masters on Earth.

Consciousness Creates Form

Adironnda and the Council of Light
Marilyn Harper

Ah, it is good day to you. We love seeing your bright, radiant light glowing all around you. We would like to share a little story about our vessel, Marilyn, and how you might connect differently to your world.

The Flame of Truth

Archangel Zadkiel
Natalie Glasson

Greetings. I extend angelic blessings to you. It is an honor to be in your presence. I come forth with angelic vibrations and the seventh ray of light — the violet light of transformation and ascension. I also bring the violet flame of transmutation.

The Devoted Heart

The Collective Soul Consciousness
Carolyn Gervais

Every year has a special energy that permeates the whole Earth, including you. All cells of your body absorb this energy, offering you the opportunity to look at yourself and life in more expanded ways if you allow it.

Frequency Choice Points

Angel Raphael
Adria Estribou

This is Rafael. You will naturally, as an ascending being, rise up, but there are those beings who want to barrage you with low, fear-based density and try to pull you into that frequency. This year is particularly intense in that regard.

Your Light Mastery Illuminates Life beyond Earth

I Am Presence
Sabrina Di Nitto

As a human in a state of advanced lightbody development, your light mirrors and reflects, making you a reflection of cosmic light for your surroundings. What is this process on a quantum level?

Shift to the Possible

The Agents of the Light
Raffaello Di Meglio

Is Earth’s core challenged at this time? If so, how does this energetically affect us and the natural world?

Align Your Energies

The Teachers
Carol Collins

Everything that you have, you have because you have
brought it into being. What you think you have are the
things that you own, but we mean your freckles, the
length of your hair, the breeze, and the strength of it.

Be a Wayshower of Living from the Heart

Cathy Chapman

Dear ones, you are experiencing bringing in the energy of love. For those of you who are not on the live call, ask to be opened to the energy of love, and allow it to flow through you. As it flows through you, you can send this love to those you are holding in your minds and hearts.

Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval

Archangel Metatron
Rae Chandran

Hello, my friend. My love to you. You bring a new consciousness. Your role as a group is to bring forth the understanding of galactic consciousness and the fire power within humanity. This fire creates and lights the life force and is known by many names, including God and kundalini.


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