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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Soldier On!

Maria Yracébûrû

Diiyin’s note: In the 2012 shift, energies began to cycle around the shifting magnetic grid. Some people noticed, and some did not. Some people knew why, and others did not. But every one of us knows something is going on.

Essences of Nature: The Big Picture

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

How often do we worry and wonder about how we landed where we are? We take inventory of choices made and not made, and sometimes we feel slighted by our decisions. Much of the time, we regret what we should have done, could have said, or would have acted on if we had known what we know now.

Akashic Answers: Create Balance in Transitional Times

Amanda Romania

I recently went on a spiritual weekend retreat where we were taught shamanic wisdom and many other energy techniques. Since my return, I have felt that my world has changed and I am not the same person. Is there something I can do to balance this?

Shamanic Wisdom: Awaken, Unburden, Create

Jan Engels-Smith

Many years ago, I worked with a client who was a doctor. His primary clientele were patients with spinal or brain injuries.

Benevolent Outcomes: Start with the Small Stuff

Tom T. Moore

This column has been published for over nine years, sharing amazing stories each month from people all over the world writing about this simple yet powerful tool that has made their lives less stressful, less fearful, and more successful.

Ask the Angels: Ask What You Can Do to Help Others

Cheryl Gaer Barlow

I had a question about the Chelton Soldiers in heaven that your book describes. I don’t understand. Aren’t soldiers sort of the opposite of the love and joy that the angels describe as heaven? You can’t battle enemies to kill them and love them at the same time.

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: The Strength for Change

Maria Yracébûrû

Diiyin’s note: It is a big time in the history of human evolution. Three times more than what we dream, 2020 is the culmination of our strength in change with quick insights and a keen instinct for truth. We can smell the fragrance now, plain as the flowers in our gardens.

Animal Whisperer: And Spirit’s a Crowd

Your Ever-Loving Pets
Kim Malonie

I am concerned about my nine-year-old companion Reggie and hope you can help him. We moved into our current house last summer, and Reggie seemed to adjust well.

Ask Erik: Release Attachments to Find Peace

Elisa Medhus

Do you see us moving closer to our grandchildren or buying a new home in our current area on the lake? If this move happens, when do you see it happening?

— Kim D.

Dream Zone: Crazy Elevators

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I’ve been having the same dream for about three to four years now. It is about elevators. They either get stuck or do weird things, such as swinging away from the building so that I have to jump to get on them. They never operate properly.


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