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Ascendant Attributes of Love in Light Relationships

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Quantum masters, love’s heart is always in the manifestation of its own becoming through its attributes of organic essence.

Galactic Healing and Awakening

Lyssa Royal Holt

Our galaxy is filled with diverse life. It would be impossible to discuss every civilization within our immense galactic family. What matters most are the civilizations that affect Earth’s story of evolution.

You Are Separating from the Third Dimension

The Fully Integrated Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

As waves of plasma, or photons, continue to wash over the planet, a deluge of information is being downloaded to the crystal kingdom beneath the planet’s surface.

How to Cope with Dramatic Changes on This Planet

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians! Everyone is being affected by the dramatic changes occurring on this planet, which are causing you to feel doubt and despair.

The Law of One in France, Part Three

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Metatron: Greetings, masters. I am Metatron, angel of light, with Tyberonn of crystalline service. We greet you, one and all, in a vector of unconditional love. Dear hearts, please take a moment to feel our energy form around you as we embrace you in grace and love.

Move beyond Depression and Anxiety

One Life
Catherine Weser

There are many ways to look at depression and anxiety. We wish to discuss the depression and anxiety that are normal parts of a healthy and expansive emotional experience of life. In this sense, most of you have felt depressed — blue or out of sync with the moment — from time to time.

An Upcoming Opportunity for Tremendous Growth

Omnidimensional Beings
Kathy Wilson

Well, here we are again, connecting through the ethers and the dimensions. It is good to do this, yes? We both benefit — you from receiving the information we share with you and we from the sharing of it.

Face the Ripening Karma

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students and dear friends, I greet you this month with love and much support since these are clearly initiatory times on planet Earth. Events and circumstances are affecting everyone on personal and even global levels.

Use the Violet Flame to Be Present with Your Essence

Lady Portia
Natalie Glasson

Divine blessings extend through my being to your essence and truth. I am Lady Portia, the sacred feminine aspect of Saint Germain. My purpose is to oversee the awakening of the new age of ascension through the seventh ray of light expression of the Creator.

Enhance Your God Essence

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, the Creator’s breath is the fuel of existence, and you are the flame it feeds. It is important to understand that you are developing your individual sunlight, which is a reflection of your God essence.


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