“What do soul agreements have to do with life’s destiny?” you might ask. There are many paths that become temporary roads (metaphorically speaking) that are necessary to find the way to your true destiny.
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians! We want to speak about the world of creation and how this relates to the changes going on personally and planetarily. Let us look at the world of creation from the standpoint of the mental body.
New Earth remains a genetic universe and is being fully restored to genetic integrity. It’s all part of disclosure and the truth of who you are as a species and what your I Am DNA carries in your biophysicals.
We are the Founders. We are the collective consciousness of the first wave of souls who came to Earth. We also are the ones who created the twelve levels of consciousness to bridge our collective consciousness with that of Gaia.
Publisher’s Note:Zoosh and others through Robert Shapiro have been talking about benevolent magic in the Explorer Race and other books since the mid-1990s.
Many have asked Kryon to weigh in on the election. The fact is that he/she already has and actually has done so many times. Kryon has told us that beyond 2012, there would be more wildcards.
Greetings! I am Teacher, and once again I come forth to speak with you who choose the awakened state of being and to release the remnants of sleep, those remnants that continue to pull at your old beliefs and ask whether you are certain that you no longer need them.