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From Grief to Gratitude

Amma the Divine Mother
Cathy Chapman

My dear one, I am Amma the Divine Mother of the divine mothers. I am your mother. You grew in my womb, and you will forever remain in my womb.

Be Conduits of Love and Light

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde and Mahatma Gandhi and Mother of Light and Shockara Starbeings
Blue Turtle

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde: Beloved children of the Creator, it is time for you to take exceptional notice of what is occurring in your environment and the world. Please pay particular attention to how the energy looks, feels, and moves at its core.

Astrology: the Key for Conscious Parenting

Universal Wisdom
Nansea Lee

The soul chooses when to be born and which astrological birth chart would benefit its journey in the physical body, even if the child was born premature or by a scheduled C-Section. Your doctors can guess when the child’s birth will be, but the soul knows the opportune time.

How to Live Your Greatest Version

The Spirit of Wholeness
Thelma Bodnar

Dear ones, as you ponder your presence on your Earth plane, how do you choose to be? What does your wholeness and understanding call forward for you? Do you dwell on joy, happiness, and peace? Or are those inspirational endeavors of another kind — desirable but unattainable?

The New Era of Merging Dimensions

The Collective Soul of Your Galaxy
Carolyn Gervais

Greetings to all! We are the collective aspect of all that you are as a conscious spiritual being on and beyond your earthly realm.

Rise into the New Vibration

Norma and Adora and Marna - Pleiadian Beings
Jenine Beecher

Jenine: Norma, Adora, and Marna are here with me right now. Norma, what would you like to bring in for us? What would you like to share?

Respect Is the Key to Peace and Love

The White Buffalo People from the Pleiades
Jaap van Etten

Jaap: There are many versions of the legend of White Buffalo Calf woman.

The Myth of Forgiveness Ascends

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Biolight masters, forgiveness will ascend back into divine memory. As you reenter the infinity stargates of new bioquantum multi-light energy fields, you are (or will be) creating in the new energies. How did these energies evolve for use in new applications?

Time Travel Can Aid Planetary Ascension

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. In this lecture, we are going to look at planetary ascension, time travel, and how to prepare a planet for ascension. The idea of ascension on a planetary basis is closely connected to the concept of a planetary messianic intervention.

The Crystalline Era and Ascension

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings! I am Metatron, lord of light, and I greet you this moment in unconditional love. Dear ones, ascension can be defined as the transition to crystalline-dimensional expansion. Ascension is in effect for the critical mass that will allow Earth to transform.


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