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Your New Divine Blueprint

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, never forget, your nearest and dearest friend should be you — your own soul consciousness. Within your sacred heart center you will find wisdom, compassion, patience, and most important, unlimited sacred love.

The Vibrational Frequency of Creation

Miriandra Rota

Greetings! I am Teacher, and I come forth to speak with you — daring beings who are incarnate during these tumultuous times — of something soft and gentle, something to nourish your spirit.

Receive Everything with Love

The Hathors
Maureen St. Germain

We are the Hathors, flooding Earth with love, love, and more love. You often call on ascended masters and other beings of light to support you. We, the Hathors, are close to you and support you greatly.

It Is Time

The Ancient Ones
Jaap van Etten

We call ourselves the Ancient Ones, because we were on Earth long before humans came. We were here from the very beginning of Earth’s existence as guardians of the elements. This statement will evoke many ideas, and many names might come up.

Bio-Conscious Ascended Living

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

I’ve just had another major awakening. Can you please review how ascended living manifests?

Permanently Live in Higher Frequencial Energy

Omnidimensional Beings
Kathy Wilson

It is with great joy that we connect with you once again. We have much to share with you. In coming times, you will soon experience great change. This is coming not only to you separately but to all humanity that resides on planet Earth.

Phone Calls from the Future — Chapter 2: Life on the Moon

Doc (a Human from a Moon-Mining Base)
Robert Shapiro

All right, well, we will resume. What would you like to talk about today?
Okay, what year were you born in this life?

Is that important?
Sure, I want to know when you went to the Moon.

Phone Calls from the Future — Chapter 1: Mining on the Moon

Robert Shapiro

Some people on Earth are striving to do something that has been the subject of science fiction for years: create a community on the Moon. People are working on it now in my time.

A New Version of Earth Is Coming to a Sky Near You

St. Peter
Robert Shapiro

There are events that will be unfolding in this new year of the Gregorian calendar. These events will encompass things you will see, and you don’t have to have special abilities to see them.

A Redoing of the Civil War

John Adams
Robert Shapiro

I would like to talk for a short time about the United States.



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