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You Are a Seed with Great Potential

You Are a Seed with Great Potential Atoris through Gilly Wilmot

Greetings. We begin with one thought, one image: a single shaft of sunlight. What can that single shaft of sunlight change? How powerful is it? It is part of creation, growth, and new beginnings. A single shaft of sunlight flows from an extraordinary star to extraordinary Earth. Without that shaft of sunlight, Earth would not be as it is now. It would not have the life and vigor it has now. When this single shaft of sunlight touches all forms of creation, it creates change in them, a beginning. In terms of Earth itself, the coating on which human beings stand, that single shaft of sunlight will alter Earth wherever it touches. Not only will Earth appear brighter in that light, but it will create change in the earth, for whatever is in that earth will change and transform.
