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Tools for Conscious Living

Catch a Unicorn (and Your Dreams)

Nancy Robinson

To me, unicorns represent something extraordinary, wonderful, otherworldly, and awe-inspiring. Unicorns seem to be special to others as well; even in the business world, the term “unicorn” refers to something that is very desirable but challenging to find or obtain.

Honor the Seasonal Shift of the Summer Solstice

Jenine Beecher

In childhood, summer held the promise of play and socialization. We were encouraged to be active and create whatever our little minds could conjure. This essence of summer is not lost on us as adults.

Power Your Intentions with Archangel Michael, Lapis Lazuli, and Sweet Marjoram

Margaret Ann Lembo

Gemstones and essential oils go well together, especially when you set your intentions for various life situations and want to amplify the power of your intentions. Adding the high vibration of an archangel can amplify your desired reality even more.

Believe It to See It

Bill Philipps

I invited my dad to brunch one recent Sunday afternoon. We haven’t always had the closest relationship, but fortunately it has strengthened with time.

High-Tech Frequencies Wreak Havoc on Our Spiritual Well-Being

Phyllis Light

What does spiritual well-being mean? How do we experience well-being on the spiritual level? At our core, we are all spiritual beings of light and love, and we are here to enjoy and express those qualities in life with others. This is an undeniable metaphysical truth.

As We Shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius

Pepper Lewis

Western astrology begins the year on March 21 at the spring equinox, the day the Sun enters Aries. Most of us don’t give much thought to Earth’s wobble, but it does wobble — slowly and consistently — as it spins around its axis.

Amethyst Assists Challenging Transformations

Margaret Ann Lembo

There are cycles in life that are just plain challenging. The challenges that seemingly come out of nowhere are often the result of complacency. Eventually, the cosmic two-by-four will knock you upside the head to get you to wake up and pay attention!

Eight Attributes of Conscious Parents

Pamela Barram

God has no grandchildren. This feels like a good place to start this piece about being a conscious parent. The axiom reminds me of the words of Kahlil Gibran that our children are sent from the archer and are “the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself....

Exploring the Four Purposes of Life

Dan Millman

With the pace of life accelerating in a world of change, it’s not easy to maintain our balance and sense of direction. Yet we strive to do so because a sense of direction toward a meaningful goal may be the better part of happiness.

The Inner Healer and Holotropic Breathwork

Tav Sparks

Among the thousands of healing stories we have heard from seekers who have experienced Holotropic Breathwork, one particular fruit of this deep inner work is regularly reported: the sense of authentic personal empowerment these people receive as they embrace the mystery of the journey toward whol


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