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Tools for Conscious Living

Embrace the Spice of Life

Margaret Ann Lembo

Are you ready to be creative? You are always about to create something. It might be a delicious meal, or you might want to rearrange your living room or your desk. You are always fertile with good ideas. Pause long enough to allow the inspiration to come through.

Koh Ker Pyramid

Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich

The Koh Ker temple complex is located in Northeastern Cambodia. The conventional story is that Army General Jayavarman separated from the central government in city of Angkor, from which his uncle ruled the Khmer Empire.

Use Intentions to Empower Your Path

Jenine Beecher

The new year is upon us. In 2018 we are being given the opportunity to raise our vibration and strengthen our connection to our higher selves. Be ready to dig in and put in some good work! Our challenge this year is to clear out old thought patterns and unconscious behavior.

Everything Is Perfect

Deirdre Hade

We are at a time of great transition and great possibility. With great transition and great possibility comes an enormous intensity of breaking apart, or chaos. But this is not a bad time; it is not foretelling Armageddon. There is no fear.

Maintain Proper Nutrition by Embracing a Vegan Lifestyle

Robin Hinz

With more people choosing a vegan lifestyle, understanding proper nutrition is vital. We all need protein, complex carbohydrates, and fats to function optimally, so avoiding both meat and dairy can create many challenges.

The Enlightened Era of Consciousness

Eliza Mada Dalian

In January 1990 I had a vision. I was in a boundless cosmic darkness waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, there appeared a small ball of light shining brightly in the darkness. The light was like the Sun, illuminating the surrounding darkness and giving life to everything in its sphere.

Dolphins Are Assisting Human Ascension

Joan Ocean

People often ask me, “What do the dolphins say about the changes occurring on planet Earth? What will happen in the future?” The dolphins and whales predict a positive and inspiring future for planet Earth and humanity.

Get Back into the Flow

Jenine Beecher

Feeling stuck can be debilitating. We become confused by what we don’t understand about ourselves and are unable or afraid to see our best steps forward. Ultimately, we are being challenged by our ability to adapt and change.

Signs and Synchronicities

Sara Wiseman

There are many ways to move through life, make decisions, and move forward on a path. How you move through your life depends on your understanding of how the universe works: how it communicates with you, how it guides you, and how it leads you to your highest possibility in this lifetime.

The Power of Flexibility… to a Point

Phyllis Light

I always focus on how to help humanity, looking at what each human being needs to better his or her lot in life and become all that he or she can be. I was pondering how we create problems for ourselves and what we might be able to do to make our lives easier.


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