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Lunar Eclipse Unearths Long-Held Emotions

Michelle Karén

Mercury is retrograde until May 17 when it turns direct at 8:17pm (5°51’ Taurus).

Plant and Grow

Susan Owens

If you are in a 1 personal year, May is a 6 month. This is your time for home and family. Improve your humble abode by redecorating with a new coat of paint, landscaping the yard, or planting spring flowers. At the very least, bring home some fresh bouquets.

This Is the Moment to Break Free

Kira Raa

The first of three spirals containing the open-eye energy of the storm has completed, and the next is opening in this very moment.

As You Enter the Eye of the Needle

Cal Garrison

The Sun crossed the Aries point recently, otherwise known as the alpha-omega point of the zodiac. We also refer to it as the first day of spring, when life kicks off a new round of growth and discovery.

Trust Inner Guidance During Times of Instability

Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

Pluto entered the air sign of Aquarius on March 31, 2023, bringing balanced-reciprocity energies throughout the cosmos. This energy continues all during April with powerful spiritual influences over ideas, ideals, and beliefs and their ability to harmonize and flow with nature and all life.

Turning Points

Michelle Karén

A solar eclipse occurs on Wednesday, April 19 at 9:13pm (29°50' Aries). This degree is represented in the Sabian symbols by “a duck pond and its brood.” Eclipses are always turning points.

April Horoscopes

Tracie Bickford

April 2–8: The Moon is asking for balance this week when she shines full on Wednesday. Your competitive sun-fire energy can make this a bit difficult for you.

Relax into Your Body

Kira Raa

April 2023 seems to mirror March, as the initial sums appear to be equal, but this is where the similarity ends. April is a uniquely fascinating journey of experience.

Prepare for Change

Susan Owens

If you are in a 1 personal year, April is a 5 month, which means change is coming. In a 1 year, you are setting your intentions for the next nine years, so the change could be in the direction you take.

Pluto Brings Generational Changes

Cal Garrison

In wondering how to approach my first article for the Sedona Journal of Emergence, I started thinking about how close we are to the vernal equinox, and I decided to draw on themes of newness and change.


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