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The Secret Wisdom of Animals

Kim Malonie

My beloved horse, Peace, my companion for so many years, is no longer with me, and I haven’t been able to find peace nor relieve the guilt I feel since I was forced to give him up fifteen years ago. I had been his caregiver since he was a foal. He was really only bonded to me.

Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

From Lauri: I’m sure your breasts are lovely just as they are. However, your subconscious must feel that you need to improve on or grow something in your real life. Breasts in dreams are often about your ability to nurture or “mother” others or even yourself.

New Age Notes

Dyan Garris

From the very first notes, “Field of Dreams” by Monster Taxi — the brainchild of Miami composer, producer, and musician Jason Klein — elicits a primal, deep-seated emotion that lives in the human heart.

Essences of Nature

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

What makes us rise? What gives us freedom? What makes us who we are blueprinted to be? Do we manage our lives by creating safe zones to ensure consistency and stillness, or do we take flying leaps without a safety net, not knowing what will happen next?

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web

Maria Yracébûrû

Greet the Sun

Akashic Answers

Amanda Romania

Welcome to Akashic Answers. The cosmic activity here in Sedona has been off the charts, as we have hosted many galactic family conferences and speakers around town. It seems that the cosmic community is awake and ready to make contact in many ways.

The Secret Wisdom of Animals

Kim Malonie

Kim: Angels are very often sent to us in the forms of our pets, animal companions, aquatic life, marine mammals, farm animals, exotic animals, reptiles, and wild animals; the list goes on.

The Crystal Garden

Margaret Ann Lembo

Do you like crystals? Are you attracted to flowering plants and the natural world? You and all life have a spiritual connection, including the gemstone and plant kingdoms. There are teachings and inspiration everywhere.

New Age Notes

Dyan Garris

Zindagi by Michelle Qureshi

Benevolent Outcomes

Tom T. Moore

The Gentle Way is a simple spiritual tool you can use every day, and the amazing thing is it works perfectly in line with your soul path, or contract, for this life. Request most benevolent outcomes (MBOs) for events in your life, from the mundane to the most important.


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